Compiling to Rust

TreeLDR can generate a Rust type definition for each defined layout. For instance, consider the following layout for the schema:BlogPosting type:

// example/basic_post.tldr
base <>;
use <> as schema;

layout BasicPost for schema:BlogPosting {
	/// Title of the post.
	schema:title: schema:Text,

	/// Content of the post.
	schema:body: schema:Text

TreeLDR can generate the following Rust type:

pub struct BasicPost {
	/// Title of the post.
	title: Option<schema::Text>,

	/// Content of the post.
	body: Option<schema:Text>

Non required properties are automatically translated into fields with an Option type.


We can embed TreeLDR-generated code inside a Rust program using the tldr procedural macro attribute provided by the treeldr-rust-macros crate. This attribute allows us to annotate a module that will host all the TreeLDR-generated definitions. It requires two inputs:

  • The list of all the TreeLDR files we need to import, given as parameters of the tldr attribute; and

  • The destination (path in the module) of each type definition. This is done by declaring a submodule for each IRI prefix of interest. The type definition of each layout will be generated in the submodule whose prefix matches the identifier of the layout.

pub mod example {
	/// types.
	pub mod schema {}

	/// Basic Post example types.
	pub mod basic_post {}

This will expand into the following code:

pub mod example {
	pub mod schema {
		pub type Text = String;

	pub mod basic_post {
		pub struct BasicPost {
			/// Title of the post.
			title: Option<super::schema::Text>,

			/// Content of the post.
			body: Option<super::schema:Text>

Traits Implementations

In addition to the type definitions, TreeLDR will also provide some traits implementations for those types.

Core Traits

Each type will implement Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord and Hash.


Each type will implement the FromRdf trait provided by the treeldr_rust_prelude crate. This trait provides the from_rdf constructor function that can extract an instance of the given type from an RDF dataset defined with the grdf crate.

use treeldr_rust_prelude::FromRdf;

let post = example::basic_post::BasicPost::from_rdf(
).expect("invalid post");


Each type will implement the IntoJsonLd trait provided by the treeldr_rust_prelude crate. This trait provides the into_json_ld method that converts the value into a json_ld::syntax::Value.

use treeldr_rust_prelude::IntoJsonLd;

// Schema to JSON-LD.
let json_ld: json_ld::syntax::Value<json_ld::syntax::ContextEntry<()>, _> =

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